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Interpretive Policy Analysis is an ever evolving field and there is a vast array of information sources around. On this page we have organised information from a number of sources such as links to groups, mailinglists and an overview of key publications in the field of interpretive policy analysis.

Keeping up to date

Other relevant groups working on Interpretive analysis:

  •   Interpretive Methodologies and Methods Conference Group (APSA),  – the IMM provides a forum for the discussion of methodologies and methods related to empirical interpretive research, as well as issues arising from their location within contemporary political science.
  • Interpretation and methods listserv – a mailing list of the IMM with information on interpretive methods and methodology regarding community news and announcements, calls for papers, and other related news, events, and opportunities from the IMM community. All IMM Mailing List members are welcome to post news, events, and related matters to the moderated list.
  •  Critical Policy Studies listserv – a mailing list with information on Critical Policy Studies regarding community news and announcements, calls for papers, and other related news, events, and opportunities from the Critical Policy Studies community. All CPS Mailing List members are welcome to post news, events, and related matters to the moderated list.
  •  ECPR Standing Group on Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis – The Standing Group Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis follows the argumentative turn in policy analysis and includes a variety of interpretive, deliberative and practice-based approaches.
  •  The International Public Policy Association – this association frequently features workshops, panels and summerschools that are run by members of the IPA network.
  •  Interpretation, Method and Critique (IMC) Network and Research Cluster – Our colleagues April Biccum and Nick Cheesman at ANU (Australia) have created a collaborative cross-disciplinary network that aims to raise the profile of Interpretivist Social Science at the ANU and within the Australian academy

Key publications and readings

Domain-defining monographs and edited volumes

  • Fischer, F., John Forester, 1993. The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning. Duke University Press.
  • Yanow, D., 1996. How does a policy mean?: Interpreting policy and organizational actions. Georgetown University Press.
  • Fischer, F., 2003. Reframing public policy: Discursive politics and deliberative practices. Oxford University Press.
  • Hajer, M. and Wagenaar, H., 2003. Deliberative policy analysis. Understanding governance in the network society. Cambridge University Press.
  • Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., 2007. Logics of critical explanation in social and political theory. Routledge.


  • Fischer, F., Torgerson, D., Durnová, A. and Orsini, M. eds., 2015. Handbook of critical policy studies. Edward Elgar Publishing.;
  • Bevir, M. and Rhodes, R.A. , 2016. Rethinking governance: Ruling, rationalities and resistance. Routledge.
  • Colebatch, H.K. , 2018. Handbook on policy, process and governing. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Methods books

  • Yanow, D., 2000. Conducting interpretive policy analysis (Vol. 47). Sage.
  • Wagenaar, H., 2014. Meaning in Action: Interpretation and Dialogue in Policy Analysis: Interpretation and Dialogue in Policy Analysis. Routledge.;
  • Schwartz-Shea, P. and Yanow, D., 2013. Interpretive research design: Concepts and processes. Routledge.;
  • Yanow, D. and Schwartz-Shea, P., 2015. Interpretation and method: Empirical research methods and the interpretive turn. Routledge.