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Australian National University’s Interpretation, Method and Critique Seminar Series

The series featured five outstanding speakers:

Edward Schatz (Toronto), 12pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) on 11 March: “How I studied anti-Americanism: Reflections on interpretivism, eclecticism and coherence” (https://politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au/events/how-i-studied-anti-americanism-reflections-interpretivism-eclecticism-and-coherence)

Mona El-Ghobashy (NYU), 12pm AEDT on 18 March: “Three faces of revolution: Egypt and other places” (https://politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au/events/three-faces-revolution-egypt-and-other-places)

Farah Godrej (UC Riverside), 12pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on 22 April: “Access and ethics in prison research” (https://politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au/events/access-and-ethics-prison-research)

George Lawson (ANU), 12pm AEST on 29 April: “Vision and method in global historical sociology” (https://politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au/events/vision-and-method-global-historical-sociology)

Nick Turnbull (Manchester), 12pm AEST on 13 May: “A meta-categorical framework for relational policy theory: Re-imagining the Multiple Streams Framework” (https://politicsir.cass.anu.edu.au/events/meta-categorical-framework-relational-policy-theory-re-imagining-multiple-streams)

Doing Interpretive Research workshop

Where: the University of Aarhus, Denmark and organized by the Methods Excellence Network
Who: Fred Schaffer

Workshop description

This workshop provided an opportunity for participants to explore how attentiveness to both the theory and nuts-and-bolts practice of doing interpretivist research can enhance their own work. The workshop focused on a few elements of interpretivist research that tend to be particularly challenging: understanding and enacting interpretivism’s distinctive ontological and epistemological presuppositions, making interpretivist research intelligible and persuasive to non-interpretivist audiences, working with concepts, casing and comparing, and integrating reflexivity (with special attention to positionality and ethics) into each stage of the research process. The workshop was designed for participants who are already familiar with the fundamentals of interpretivist methodology and are undertaking research projects that draw upon interpretivist methodology and/or employ interpretivist methods. Capped at an enrollment of 12, the workshop engaged intensively with participants’ own projects.